Natural de Jaén (Andalucía, 1971) y residente en Miravet (Cataluña).
De pequeño gusté de pintar y dibujar atraído por el paisaje de olivos y mi sierra natal de Segura. A los 18 años entré en contacto con la fotografía, medio en el que me he movido de forma autodidacta. Pero es a partir de 2008 que, después de explorar campos diversos, empiezo a interesarme por el estudio de la figura humana, principalmente del cuerpo masculino.
Mi punto de partida es el ideal de belleza clásico de representación del desnudo, a veces apolíneo, a veces dionisíaco. El tratamiento del tema con elegancia, en busca de la armonía, el equilibrio y la proporción. El dominio de la luz y el color especialmente en el claroscuro que a muchos recuerda las obras pictóricas del barroco y autores como Ribera, Velazquez o Caravaggio.
En estos últimos años he venido produciendo una serie de obras de corte académico así como otras más conceptuales o en la linea de las vanguardias del siglo XX, como la representación simultáneo del movimiento a la que se enfrentó el Futurismo.
Entre mis obras más representativas están las series Academics y Anima Obscura sin descartar la colección de fotografía de escultura y paisaje, participando en diversas exposiciones y certámenes de arte.
I was born in Jaén, Andalusia (1971) but living today at Miravet (Tarragona).
My first contact with the photography art was when I had 18 years old but it was in 2009, after suffering a near to death experience when I feel a special motivation for photography as a personal art, exploring new ways and horizons more intimate and with my own perspective and sensibility.
I focus my work on the human figure, especially the male body, not only as the study of it, and starting from the ideal representation of the nude classic beauty; sometimes Apollonian, as well as sometimes Dionysian; from the corporeal to the essential and linked with the sense of beauty, as a necessity of my sensible reality, and only reachable through the harmony, balance and proportion.
From my point of view, the nudity art-expression transcends the merely erotic field in order to search the form’s domain and the light’s strength. It explains why at the same time, I also conceive a desert landscape as an Apollonian nude expression, or see a sea-wave blast as pure Dionysiatic manifestation.
I dedicate sensible amount of time exploring the wonderful expressive possibilities of the human male nude body, using the chiaroscuro technique in productions like series of academic studies which are drunk from the western artistic tradition which apparently remind the baroque paintings.
But I feel myself attracted by other more hazardous works inside the avant-garde tradition of the twentieth century; for instance, the simultaneous movement representation, or to capture -the almost impossible- temporal dimension faced by the Futurism expression. In fact is in this field of that kinetic image where I find most innovative and inspiring new challenges.
In other words, my artwork is experiencing a maturing process in line with my restless interests of my own being, always in constant evolution.